Monday, February 15, 2010

Pssst...I Have a Secret!

I spent the better part of the day decluttering and organizing that pantry. I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. I was able to do that because my routines have helped me keep up with the house. I did my morning routine, looked around, and realized that things were in pretty decent shape and I could spend today focused on that one project. And although it seemed like it took forever while I was in there, I am guessing that total time was around 2 hours. My Dear Husband just walked by and said "Wow, it looks nice in there!" Not too bad for a Monday!


  1. Thats how long it took me on my bathroom cabinets...but what a difference!
    That is victory flylady style!

  2. Ashley is Judy with low tech dd
